Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Let's Go Fishing

well I had my first Alaskan fishing experience this morning. But I wasn't fishing for fish. Last night at about 11:30pm as I am walking home I dropped my keys and as I stood there and thought what if they go through the board walk I heard a curplunk. So I was in luck our principle was leaving school at the same time and he was kind enough to let me into my house - I figured the keys were gone for good and that I would be pay $500 ($250 for each lost key) Daryl was much more optimistic he figured that we would be able to find them by prying up a couple of boards. He wasn't standing their wen they went curplunk. So this morning before school I thought what the heck I'll at least look. So I took my flask light and started looking between every crack to see if I could see anything. Five minutes later I see them - I can't reach them but I can see them - so basically I ended up finding a piece of wire in my house and was able to fish them out. So that is my Alaskan fishing experience so far. Well back to my school work. Have a great day everyone!!


twotiredoc said...

lol Now you know why the replacement cost is so high!

Anonymous said...

Well, not my idea of fishing, but I'm thinking it's the closest you are going to come to the real thing.

So what are you going to do with the EXTRA $500 you have now??

Anonymous said...

I was re-reading what Megan had written and I just had to make another comment.
People....I have a feeling that our poor Megan is already going through alcohol withdraws. So much so that she is substituting words and trying to invent new products.
Can anybody tell me….have you ever heard of a “flask light”? Is that something that maybe Megan should patent for the drunks that lose their keys or are even just trying to get into the house?
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.