Happy Spring – I guess it is spring, I have been told that it is spring time by those of you living in the lower 48, we had a “spring-break” at school, the calendar says it should be spring, there are only 14 teaching days left in the school year, but it sure doesn’t seem like spring outside. It has warmed up – current temperature is 54 degrees and it does only get down into the 20 at night but there were snow flurries yesterday and we still have quite a bit of snow on the ground. It is difficult to get out and do things right now – not enough snow to ski, but the board walks are still covered with snow and/or water in places so walking isn’t that easy either.
Spring Fever, Cabin Fever, Homesick whatever you want to call it has set in good and hard and I am counting the days until school is out. The last day is Friday, May 24th and most of the teachers are heading out on the late afternoon flight. Me, I am hanging out here for a few extra days. I want to get some things in my room organized for next year and I am taking a class in Anchorage June 1-6.
Update since my last blog a month and half ago (sorry). I did have a “Spring-Break” a five day weekend. Actually my friend Pam came up and visited for a week here in the village and then we went to Anchorage. While she was here she helped me paint most of my house and helped make it more like a home rather then just a shelter from the weather. We used colored paint on the walls to help hide the defects and nail heads. We hung coordinated valances and black-out blinds (they match my comforter and re-organized my spare room so that I can now use it to work-out in.
In Anchorage, Pam learned first hand what it is like to live in the bush and spent the first day back in civilization helping me purchase, pack and mail my 9 weeks worth of supplies back to the village. Then we took of for a little exploration – we went out to a glacier and spent a couple of hours out there – check out the pictures on my flicker account. I spent the next day down hill skiing and Pam went cross country skiing at the local ski resort – (Bogus Basin in Idaho is better). It was so nice to see mountains and trees.
Well, that would be about it – things continue on out here in Kongiganak – days are defiantly longer – The sun is up before 6:30am and it is still light out at about 11pm – thus the black-out blinds are becoming a necessity. I hope to be back outside (in the lower 48) around the 7th or 8th of June, the only plans that I have for the summer are to head to Maine and to go White Water Rafting with Alecia (hopefully I don’t end up with a paddle across the back of my head). Golf, Hanging at the Beach and Biking are on the to-do list. Oh yeah rumor has it Bev is also making a to-do list for me, not sure what it entails but probably not a lot of things I really would look forward to doing.
Counting the days.
i used to go to school there.
Your house looks awesome! Definitely like someone lives there. (=
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