Tuesday, January 15, 2008

-15 vs 15 degrees

We are experancing wave a heat wave!! It is 7am and the current outside temperture is 29 degrees (it droped from 30 15min ago). Yesterday it was about 10-15 outside and so Lacy and I went for half hour ski/run after I got home from school yesterday. It was a great time - we had somewere around 6 inches of new snow (hard to tell because it blows so bad) and it was warm enough that Lacy went naked (no coat or booties). It looks like we had more snow last night so we might be able to go out again tonight.

Anyways I thougt I would give you an example of the difference in temperture. As you all know I don't have running water so I shower in the evenings at the school thus my hair is always wet when I come home. On Sunday night when it was around -15 my hair froze solid (the hair sticking out from under my hat) before I even got to the bottom of the 8-10 steps of the school. Last night when it was 15 I made it all the way home without my hair freezing. Just thought I would give you some perspective.

Well, I guess I better get ready for school that means I need to wake Lacy up and make her go out and go potty (She is worse then some of my students at waking up in the morning)

Have a good one!


Anonymous said...

Now that would have been a sight to see. Imagine not having a hat on at all and if the wind was blowing...you'd have a whole 'new do'. I'd like to see a pic of that!!!!

twotiredoc said...

And I was worried about the -3 to -10 that is supposed to hit this weekend... for a day! lol

Megan said...

A day at -3 to -10 would be nice. Although we are on day 3 in the above zero didgits (current temp is 25) great CC sking weather!!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.